镀锌碳钢板-坦桑尼亚标准-TZS 1061: 2008
TZS 1061: 2008
Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of structural qualities
Applies to continuous hot-dip zinc-and zinc and iron-alloy-coated carbon steel sheet of structural quality. Zinc coated structural quality sheet is produced in thickness from 0.25 mm to 5 mm after zinc coating, and in width of 600 mm and over in coils and cut lengths. Zinc-coated sheet less than 600mm wide may be slit from wide sheet and will be considered as sheet.
ICS: 77.140.50 | ISO: 4998: 2005
适用于结构质量连续热浸锌,锌和铁合金涂层的碳钢板。 镀锌后的结构质量片的厚度从镀锌后的0.25毫米到5毫米不等,宽度为600毫米及以上,且盘卷和切割长度均在此范围内。 宽度小于600mm的镀锌板可从宽板切下,并视为板。
ICS:77.140.50 | ISO:4998:2005