洗衣皂|坦桑尼亚标准|TZS 36:2014
TZS 36:2014
RevLaundry soap — Specification
specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for two grades of laundry soaps. This standard covers two grades of laundry soap pure and built laundry soap in the form of cakes, tablets or bars, produced from vegetable or animal oils or fats or a blend of all or part to these materials.
It does not cover liquid soap for household purposes, and bar soap, in which synthetic detergents have been added to enhance its performance.
ICS: 71.100.70 | EAS: 31: 2013
规定了两种等级的洗衣皂的要求,取样和测试方法。 本标准涵盖由植物或动物油或脂肪或全部或部分与这些材料的混合物制成的蛋糕,片剂或条状的两种等级的纯净洗衣皂和内置洗衣皂。
ICS:71.100.70 | EAS:31:2013